Andrew Gibbons


Sustainability Engineering , Data Science , Artificial Intelligence , Environmental Conservation , Robotics , Hydrofoiling


Languages and Frameworks: C, C++, Java, Javascript, Python, Meteor/React, CSS, SQL

Toolsets/OS: MacOS, Ubuntu, Windows, Git/GitHub, g++, Excel, ArcGIS, MatLab, PowerBI, Azure Data Studio


University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

B.S., Mechanical Engineering, minor in Computer Science (expected Spring, 2025)

2022 - Present

University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

B.S., Natural Resources and Environmental Management

2017 - 2021


Data Science Intern, Goodfellow Bros. Inc.

In this position I looked at identifying trends in equipment breakdown from the company's maintenance logs. This information can be used to implement preventative maintenance measures in the future.

  • Gained experience working with real world databases and the challenges that come with imperfect data collection.
  • As this was my own individual summer project, I got perform all aspects of the job from data acquisition, to data cleasing, to data analysis, to my reccomended plan of action.
  • Created a visual representation of my work in PowerBI and presented it to stakeholders.

2024 - 2024

Natural Resourse Technician, Army Natural Resources Program, Oahu

Field team member tasked protecting native and endangered species.

  • Monitor, maintain, protect, and grow endangered species populations.
  • Expand native forest coverage accross Oahu.
  • Eradicate invasive species.

2021 - 2022


Shep Nelson